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Self Assessment Of AnyOne Relevant to Grow in Life

What is Self Assessment?

Gathering information about yourself in order to make more informed career decisions
Identifying your important values, interests, abilities, skills, knowledge and personality traits
Prioritizing these according to level of importance
The Purpose?

To increase self-awareness and confidence in your decisions
To identify strengths, preferences and areas for improvement
To increase your competitive edge over others
To use this information in the exploration stage and compare or weight these things with the current or potential career options which you have researched
To try to match them up as best as possible to ensure personal satisfaction

How to Assess Yourself?

Begin by making a few lists based on the categories below. Being able to assess yourself in this way is essential to enable you to foresee any gaps between you and your potential first job.

Think about:

Who/how you are rather than who/how you would like to be – be honest with yourself
Past experiences in areas of study, work and extra curricular activities
Primary wants and needs
Your dreams, goals and aspirations
Employment environment preferences and lifestyle considerations
Feedback from others: friends, parents, teachers, employers, peer groups
Why you think these things or think in these ways – this may help to reveal underlying influences
Skills and abilities: What can you do?
What are you good at?
What are your weaknesses?
What special talents do you have?
What would you like to improve or learn more about?
Interests: What do you like to do?
What do you enjoy doing? (For example: writing, researching, problem solving, helping others etc)
What would you prefer not to do?
What are some of the things that energise you and give you satisfaction?
What do you feel most comfortable doing?
Work Attitudes and Values: What is important to you in life?
What do you want and need out of work?
What task or job related things are important to you? (For example: autonomy, problem solving, challenge, variety, structure, money, job security, flexibility, promotion, personal development)
What people related things are important to you? (For example: helping and supporting others, working alone, honesty, teamwork, open communication)
What environment related things are important to you? (For example: industry, workplace culture, physical environment)
Personality: How do you typically behave?
How do you interact with people?
What is your approach to tasks?
What kinds of information do you naturally notice?
Factors to consider include: decisiveness, temperament, levels of assertiveness or agreeableness, tact, need for social interaction, social confidence, rule-awareness, impulsiveness, persuasiveness, intuition, levels of patience or tolerance, open-mindedness, self discipline, levels of perfectionism and anxiety Barriers to Self-Assessment

Obstacle: Subjective basis of opinion may cause your self perceptions to be inaccurate.

Recommended Strategy: Ask others around you for feedback - compare and contrast how others see you.

Obstacle: Personal/Cultural/Societal Stereotypes may influence your perceptions and expectations.

Recommended Strategy: Try to analyse the reasons for thinking in a particular way – who and what influences your thoughts.

Obstacle: Impatience may cause you to give up too soon or skip this step altogether.
Recommended Strategy: Remember the more you know about yourself the better you will be able to promote yourself to a potential employer and make suitable career choices.

Obstacle: Lack of motivation may decrease the amount of time and effort you put into self-assessment.

Recommended Strategy: Make it a group effort, do it with a friend or family member.

Obstacle: Negative or self-defeating thoughts may prevent you from making a realistic assessment of yourself.

Recommended Strategy: Try to challenge some of your negative beliefs by testing them out in different situations and assessing why you think in this way.

Obstacle: No Time to complete a thorough assessment.

Recommended Strategy: Start now, its never too late. A little self-awareness is better than none at all.

Priyadarshan Mohanty
Software Engineer
Mindfire Solutions


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