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Resume -1st key to a successful career

Have you ever thought that a good resume can act as a feel-good factor? Especially in the current context with a major downturn in the economy that has affected several key industries, this becomes the right time to act and put all your efforts in making a great resume that will work for you.

You may wonder how a well-crafted résumé is a harbinger for successful careers! The efforts towards making a good career seems like such a long drawn-out process, but to make it happen you need to start with your résumé!

Let us introspect and draw out the virtues of a good résumé. There are several traditional and logical reasons for making a good résumé. Some key ones can be attracting the right audience and positioning you well in the job market.

However, when you deeply analyze two important and basic points come forth – your résumé acts as a motivational tool and help you to get right ready.

Motivational tool

Have you ever thought that a good résumé can act as a feel-good factor? Yes, the moment you start putting your thoughts to your career and all that has transpired across your work experience – responsibilities, achievements, strengths – in short all that goes into your résumé, you should end up feeling inspired.

Certainly it is hard work, efforts and time consuming to design a quality résumé. But the end result is that you feel positive about yourself and what you offer to your target employers.

Especially in the current context with a major downturn in the economy that has affected several key industries, this becomes the right time to act and put all your efforts in making a great résumé that will work for you.

Right and ready

Don’t you think it is important to be ready with a well thought-through résumé at any point of time? It is like saving money for the rainy days! It can be useful in times like now when you need the next job in your dire situation. At the same time even though you are comfortable in your current job, it is important to be ready as one does not know the uncertainties of the future! You never know what is in store for you. So it is important to be right-ready with a cutting edge tool that will showcase your skills or competencies to attract the right audience.

Addressing some of the traditional reasons, your résumé helps in attracting the target audience.

You don’t want your résumé to be picked up by anyone, right? Therefore, a lot of thinking goes into the job search process itself even as you are getting your act in making a well-written résumé! Would you like to go through references/consultants, advertisements or career web sites or the direct approach? Each avenue has its advantages and disadvantages.

However a well-thought out approach can prove worthwhile for you! It is very important to start thinking along these lines simultaneously working on your résumé. Your résumé should convey what you are seeking as career options, your extent of role, major achievements, strengths and all other related information. It should basically be precise and convey clarity without being ambiguous and repetitive.

Well positioned

It should be easy reading with good language and should have that cutting-edge effect on your readers to give you that important interview call! Remember your resume just gets that 10-second time for a decision of whether to call or not to call.

Again in the current times, a well-written résumé can act as a key to interest a good employer to at least meet you for future needs, if not for an immediate vacancy!

A well-written résumé does not waste time and efforts for you as well as your employers! After all the résumé tells your audience who you are, where you come from, what you bring to the next Organization or employer and where you want to go from this job onwards.

It showcases your work responsibilities crisply and also conveys what you offer to the new employer.

Most critically, a well-designed résumé positions you well in the eyes of your target audience. You will only get called for positions at your level of seniority that also paves the way indirectly for compensation fixation.

Priyadarshan Mohanty
Software Engineer
Mindfire Solutions


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